This airport lounge is located within the air strip of the JSPL township of Raigarh. The lounge provides facilities for embarking and disembarking passengers visiting Raigarh in private planes and helicopters. It consists of a general lounge and a VIP lounge each provided with attached toilets and a common pantry.
The pre-coated steel sheet hipped roof supported on steel girders creates a column-free space that provides the unbroken view of the air strip in both lounges. The overhang of the roof creates verandas that shade the glazing. The low random rubble walls are made from the local stone and locally available, Katni marble is used for flooring.
Client : JSPL
Year of Completion :
Location : Raigarh , Chhatisgarh.
Site Area : N.A.
Built up Area : 2500 Sq ft